Tuesday, March 2, 2010

inspiring perspiring

i did an awesome moksha yoga flow class this afternoon and cleverly scheduled an amazing massage appointment, right after it. aaahh.. acts of self-love that feel sooo good! hot yoga feels like such a good clean-up – from the inside, out.

when i got home, i emptied my gym bag and my lulu shorts, tank, and sports bra were all still completely soaked! It reminded me – wow!! that really was SUCH a great workout and detox.. and it started me on a gratitude rant - how i moved my body so well, I felt really flexible and balanced, how awesome the studio is, how nice it was to see so many people that care about their bodies, and I really appreciated the instructor's attention and challenges she offered. it all made me smile. yoga inspires love. And it feels so good to love myself!

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