Monday, March 15, 2010

what are YOU doing with your life?

I quit my government job in January to create my own inspiring work. Since then, 'what are you doing with your life??' is one of the most common questions I’m asked. Most of the time, I respond, "I am LOVING life!"

The question often comes from a place of interest and excitement – and I love that! It feels good to me.

A few people have asked from a place of worry and fear (wanting to know exactly WHEN everything is going to 'be in place'). That’s ok too. I allow others to feel as they choose. I understand that some people feel uncomfortable when it comes to uncertainty.

My focus is on my excitement for this opportunity to truly love life and LIVE LIFE. I just KNOW that everything is already perfect (because I'm in such a good feeling place)!

I am happy! I keep learning to love myself more, I love knowing that contrast provides clarity, I have fallen in love with my life, I love knowing what to do (even when I’m not doing it), I love choosing what’s best for me, I’m excited about all of the new opportunities and connections that keep coming my way.. life has never felt better to me! I know that I have SO much to look forward to on this exciting life journey!

Right now I don’t have the specifics on the who? what? when? where? and how?..

But I DO know how it will all FEEL!.. and the more I practice these incredible feelings, the more I attract incredible experiences into my life!

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