Wednesday, March 24, 2010

down and back up! Day 2.

After a bit of a slip up last night, I’m feeling amazing and back on track today! This morning I went off on some rampages of appreciaion, watched some inspiring clips from 'What the Bleep', and laughed at Ellen and her 'Spa' scenes. My head feels clear, I’m inspired to continue, and my body feels clean and less ‘swollen’, especially in my abdomen. How exciting!

This morning was all about the green drinks. I started off with Body Ecology’s Vitality Supergreen and an hour later made green smoothie (green apple, spinach, celery, zucchini). I LOVE how delightfully refreshing and tasty this one is! Delish.

This afternoon I whipped together a mix of greens, cultured veggies, red onion, and cucumber, and even added a bit of red grapefruit to spice things up a bit!

Last night, I ended up investing in the Divas cravings and emotional eating support package. I want to support myself as best I can! I want to this to be an easy, fun experience! I plan to love myself all of the way through it... I’ve skimmed through some of the materials and they’re all incredibly supportive and inspiring. I’ll be sure to share the tips and tricks that I find the most helpful.

I’m about to tune into my ipod as I go for a stroll in the sun! And tonight is going to be awesome – floor hockey game, Body Ecology’s FREE Detox training (How to Naturally Cleanse and Detoxify Your Liver & Gallbladder This Spring:, and my new favourite show, Modern Family!

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