Thursday, April 1, 2010

what works for me.

I’ve been wondering how to start up my blogging again after a weee bit of a vacation.. and I realized, how I've been doing is actually irrelevant! All that matters is how I feel now, and what I'm looking forward to! But it's always fun to recap the best moments and lessons learned..

I ended up heading to Toronto last weekend to hit up the Yoga Conference and one of my best friend’s 30th birthday celebrations! With some definite ups and downs, overall, a great weekend (including classes by Sadie Nardini and Mark Laham, buying a new yoga mat, quality time with incredible friends, funny tees, partying it up in a limo, and dancing up a storm). Great drives both ways too – lots of stretching and grooving to my fave tunes!

My biggest lesson over the last week is to really allow all sorts of feelings to come up – whether I’m feeling sad, worried, scared, it’s ALL ok! They're there to let me know about my alignment with my greatest self.. I loved realizing that those negative feelings really aren’t very familiar to me. So when they do show up, I can definitely feel the discomfort of them. It’s actually a really helpful reminder for me.. ‘oh ya!.. THAT’s what fear feels like.” And from there, I can always move my thoughts into a better-feeling place. It feels good to deliberately make that shift (I actually felt myself make a big shift yesterday!). And in the end, it makes the happy/ excited/ good-feeling ME feel THAT much better (what a relief)!

For an update on my eating plan.. I don’t have any sort of ‘rules’ in place right now. I'm just doing what's best for ME. I’ve decided that I’m taking my focus off of food for a little while. My diet probably won’t look very different than it has over the past few months (for the most part Body Ecology styles and more raw foods), but I’m taking any sort of mental ‘pressure’ off of myself. Fruit is ok. Cooking is ok. And dare I say it, bread is even OK!! What you choose to eat is definitely important.. but HOW YOU FEEL about what you’re eating is even more important.. so no judging, no rules, no fear, no guilt.. only LOVE!.. and THAT is the best recipe for success!

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