Friday, April 16, 2010

what would YOU do with $30 million?

I’m feeling lucky. And by lucky I really mean fortunate, grateful, worthy, blessed, abundant, excited.. however you want to describe it… it’s a good feeling place!

I come from a family that ‘wins’ often. Contests, draws, prizes, games – it’s almost become a joke with our friends. I hear people say ‘you guys always win!’. And it’s true.. but what does this all have to do with ‘luck’ anyway?

If you think about ‘winning’ and the Law of Attraction, then you probably think things happen because of our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. That's how I see it. And if it happens often, you're more likely to believe it and see it happen again and again.

I love studying contestants on game shows. Often, I can see a direct link between the way they speak and act, and how ‘fortunate’ they are on the show. I recently saw an extremely grateful and excitable woman on the Price is Right. I could just FEEL that she already felt like a winner – before she actually won any of the prizes(she even fainted before she found out she won the big show case at the end!). At one point, when Drew Carey asks if she felt ‘lucky’, and she answered, “I am SO blessed ALL of the time. Thank you!”.. and then she won a car! It goes to show, you gotta believe it before you see it!

I already feel SO grateful for the abundance that I constantly get to enjoy in my life! I love spending pockets of moments, appreciating everything around me and so many inspiring projects and ideas going on in the world. I look forward to contributing to more of them each year. I’m excited to be in a place where I feel extremely FREE, and I'm eager to continue creating a more exciting life each day! And do I need to win the lottery to continue feeling abundant and grateful? Nope. But the idea of winning has led to some exciting thinking! And I know that the feelings that are coming up will definitely benefit me, no matter what happens. It's a way to pay it forward and to allow more excitement to keep on comin'!

So here’s the deal. I feel a big ‘win’ coming on. And I wanted to share the win with a close friend. One of the reasons being, I find it just as easy to be happy for someone else - wanting good things to happen to others that I care about. I put a few feelers out to a couple friends recently, asking if they were interested playing with me. My idea was for each of us to buy a lottery ticket, and then if either of our tickets win, we’d split the pot. I was waiting for a really excited reaction from a friend.. like REALLY excited. Gung-ho excited. I wanted someone who actually believed we could win. So on my third try, I found the reaction I was looking for. And she’s someone who I consider a soul sister in many ways. Perfect.

I was excited because tonight's draw is listed for $30 million dollars. 30 has been a number I’ve been really focussing on for the past few months. I felt a HUGE shift in my thinking toward feelings of complete FREEDOM on January 11, 2010 (the day I decided to quit my government job). When written out, I saw the date as 01/11/10 or 011110. In binary code, it represents the number 30. And I read that 30 in numerology means ‘the perfect balance in the cosmic organization’. Cool! I’m also in my 30th year right now. And I just found out the draw is actually for $29.9 million.. and I calculated how old I am today. Guess how old? 29.9. whew!

So tonight is the night. Do I think I have a chance to win? Yep! What are my odds? Well since you either win or you don’t, I’d say my odds are 50%. And with my friend also holding a ticket, our chances have doubled. Sweet. The brainstorming is done. I have BIG plans for the BIG win! It has been hilarious perfecting my ‘ecstatic dance’ (Lotto Max is even more exciting than the happy dance for Lotto 649!). My favourite place to practice has been in front of a mirror on my mini trampoline. ha ha..

So now that I feel aligned, it’s time to allow the Universe to let it all happen! And the beauty of it is, I’m not attached to the outcome.. I am content with where I’m at. I love that this has encouraged me to feel abundant and excited.. and from that, SO many good things are coming my way!


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