Monday, April 12, 2010

honouring Terry Fox

One of my best friends sent me a message to remind me that it was 30 years ago today that Terry Fox started his journey across Canada with the goal of raising money for Cancer research! Wow! An incredible beginning to such an inspiring story! Today, over $500 million has been raised in his name.

I LOVE Terry Fox, always have. I keep a $1 Terry Fox coin by my computer workstation so I can see it every day. I’ve read books, watched the movie, tv specials, and love participating in the annual run. His story still brings me to tears. I couldn’t believe that a guy in his early twenties with ONE LEG decided to run a marathon a day across Canada to raise awareness. He ran 143 consecutive days of marathons! To me, his story is the definition of inspiring!

I loved reading notes from his journal that he kept along his journey. I felt like I ‘got to know him’ and I remember reading that on my exact birth date (May 25, 1980), Terry wrote that it was a beautiful sunny day, and that it was the best-feeling day of his run, to date! I loved knowing that he was feeling so good on the day I was born! It brought me to tears.. as that marked the start of a really big journey for me too!

Before heading off to University in 1999, I was awarded the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award. It was a $20,000 scholarship, honouring my involvement in humanitarian volunteer work, physical activity, and academics. I remember feeling overwhelmingly honoured – definitely because of the generous monetary gift, but I remember feeling so grateful to feel even more connected to someone that I loved, admired, and respected so much! I still feel the same way today.

And ‘funny’ how things work out, I was diagnosed with cancer in January of last year. Another reason to feel even more connected to Terry and his work. I knew that (like Terry) this would be an exciting journey for me and that everything would be ok.. and it is! It always is! Reading about his story again is inspiring me to really consider what type of ‘work’ I’d like to do in my life. I’ve gone through some really incredible experiences.. so the opportunity is definitely there to inspire others! I just love knowing that I am eager, excited, and ready to do BIG THINGS in this lifetime!

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