Monday, March 22, 2010

welcoming raw.

For the past week and half, I’ve been tuning into some incredible online calls with WISH – Women’s International Summit for Health. It truly was a buffet of self-empowerment: health, fitness, money, spirit,… they covered it all with amazing speakers!

One of the most inspiring calls for me was with Mimi Kirk, A 71 year old raw foodie (who doesn’t look a day over 50!), voted sexiest vegetarian over 50 in the US! I loved hearing her success story, her joy for life, seeing her young, fun-loving pictures, and just feeling her brilliant energy! What an inspiring story.. and it all started for her at the age of 30 (perfect!).

I love being open to change and exploring new ideas.. and tweaking my diet is always exciting to me. I feel like my body is still finding a true comfort zone when it comes to eating. I want a genuinely healthy relationship with my food. I want to feel excited EVERY DAY, knowing that I continue to nourish my body - as best as I know how!.. and with a background in Physical and Health Education and Holistic Nutrition, I’ve got a LOT of material to work with!...

Earlier this month, I blogged about my interest in learning more about raw food.. and my WISH came true with the call from Mimi!

Before the call, I read that she started on her raw adventure with a '7-day Raw Diva Detox'. I checked it out online and it was created by the fabulous Tera Warner, who is the same woman who created and pulled together WISH! I read more and discovered that the 7 day detox is EXACLY what I’m looking for! I love the vibe, the philosophy, the success stories, the support, the flexibility, the love. Amazing. And even found out the Divas are in Montreal.. only 2 hours from me!

The detox starts you off with 5 preparation days. At first, I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t start the detox right away. I’ve always been about immediate gratification.. And that’s exactly why the prep days have been so valuable!! Over the past 4 days I’ve been wrapping my head around the detox, the foods I’ll be eating, exploring the raw food world online and in my city, recipes, time to get excited about the week ahead, clean out my fridge and cupboards, etc.. the timing has been perfect.

I feel like this is the start to an incredible shift in my life! I have been a foodie for quite a while.. and this program has success written all over it for me! I am excited and feel so READY to pull everything together, creating my own perfect program (infused with love!.. and cultured veggies!). I am going to enjoy every step of the way.

I’ll be blogging about my experience throughout the week. Day 1 starts on Tuesday. It will be an incredible way for me to share my beautiful journey, stay accountable, and connect and inspire others!!

Please feel free to contact me if you’re interested in following the detox along with me.. or you can always refer back to my blog for any tips, tricks, and inspiration that I share along the way!

Stay tuned.. this is going to be incredible!

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