Friday, March 5, 2010

raw raw, ah ah ah-a.

I'm curious about the raw food movement. I like the concept of keeping it real when it comes to food. Raw means the food is more alive and has more life force energy - truly more connected with its roots. Cool. I also believe there are amazing energy advantages to cooking. While cooking may destroy some nutrients, energy gains can be positive when it comes to some foods. I love finding ‘the perfect temperature’ for each of my creations. I love finding a balance that feels right to me.

I'm excited to hear more about the benefits of eating raw foods. I know some inspiring people that see "rawness as a culinary technique and a meditation on nature, rawness as an interpretation, a legacy of something lost that needs to be regained, resuscitated and purified." Interesting. I'm curious and would love to learn more!

more pics on facebook:!/photo.php?pid=4902776&id=307278863973

For now - during the cooler months, I am loving foods that make me feel warm. To me, the FEELING I get from my experience with food is most important. It always has been. This morning I cozied up to a warm bowl of miso soup while enjoying the crunch of sliced lebanese cucumbers. This afternoon I savoured my delicious amaranth creation and appreciated the refreshing taste of my cultured veggies. mmm. yummy. It feels good to remember and take the time to experience delicious, health-inspiring food.

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