Monday, March 15, 2010

new batch of cultured veggies

It was time for me to start another beautiful and delicious batch of cultured veggies (I usually start when I have 1 big jar remaining). I prepared cabbage (2 greens and a red), kale, and carrots to get cozied up in their jars for a week.

When I'm making my cvs, I love creating a good-feeling atmostphere. I had my favourite tunes blasting in the background as I danced around my kitchen, shredded veggies, filled my green bin with scraps, reflected on my amazing connection with Unleash Gratitude, and played 'wouldn't it be nice if..' in my head.

After listening to Donna Gates' call with WISH (Women's International Summit for Health) a couple nights ago, I felt even more invigorated and inspired by the Body Ecology Diet. An incredible leader in probiotics and fernmented foods. It truly is SUCH an amazing system of healing that will change the world... one gut at a time!

For more pics, see my facebook page:!/album.php?aid=191568&id=307278863973

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