Saturday, February 20, 2010

thanks coach.

Gratitude is one of my favourite topics. I’ve come to learn that unleashing gratitude feels amazing. And when you take the time to appreciate someone special in your life, you often end up inspiring gratitude in them as well (bonus!).

My first thank you note is dedicated to my 'Life Coach', Heather. I started working with Heather a few years ago and it's easy for me to say that she has been an incredible guide, an amazing support, and one of my biggest cheerleaders along my journey!

Heather introduced me to the idea of the amazing power of our thoughts. She inspired me to live more consciously. Throughout our sessions, we talked about shifting habits, accepting what is, owning my power, cultivating balance, trusting my energy, creating a vision, committing to self-care, and going forward with love and gratitude. I still refer back to our emails for encouragement, guidance, amazing information, and fun ideas!

She introduced me to Darren Weissman (and the Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude), Eckhart Tolle, Louise Hay, and Donna Gates and the Body Ecology Diet – all significant influences and huge inspirations along my Spiritual journey (and still a huge part in my everyday life!).

I know that my time with Heather completely changed my life. I became more grateful for everything that came into my life. I valued the importance of being able to choose the way I responded to whatever was happening in my experience.

Last year when I received the surprising diagnosis of an aggressive tongue cancer, my initial emotions were shock and fear. But thankfully - because of what I had learned from my sessions with Heather over the year - I was able to quickly shift my thoughts to love.

On the day of my diagnosis I was able to say 'Thank You' to my body, knowing that this was an important message and a huge opportunity for me. Wow – my thought choice WAS huge! And it all started with the help of Heather.

Needless to say, I am continuing on my love-inspired journey (that keeps getting better and better!), and I’m happy that Heather still plays an important role in my life. I will always consider her to be the first big stepping stone that guided me toward a more incredible, joyful life experience!

Thank you Heather (and Happy Birthday!) - you are amazing!

Infinite Love and Gratitude,

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