Friday, February 19, 2010

rebounding and walking and hockey, oh my!

When I think about how active my body is, it's easy to feel appreciation and love for it. I enjoyed a fun assortment of moving around today.

It started this morning with one of my favourite activities: 'rebounding' or using a mini trampoline. It's a newer and revolutionary form of exercise that's even been referred to (by NASA) as one of the most efficient forms of exercise. Cool!

I love rebounding because I know about its benefits (even from 5 minutes), it’s totally convenient (I keep my rebounder behind my love seat in my living room), and most importantly - it’s really fun to bounce around to feel-good music (today I chose 3 of my favourite bouncing tunes – Collie Man, I’m Yours, and Mushaboom).

To list a few awesome benefits: it’s an aerobic workout (good for the cardiovascular system), stimulates the circulation of lymph, supports your immune system, improves balance and coordination, reduces body pain, increases energy, improves mental performance, and strengthens every cell in the body!

This afternoon I bundled up and ventured out on a beautiful sunny walk - inspired by the need to drop off a movie rental. What an awesome reminder: I love going on walks!

Today is Thursday – meaning I had a floor hockey game! Over the past few years, floor hockey has become one of my favourite team sports. It’s social, an amazing workout, improves coordination, and it’s fun and exciting! We were in a huge gym tonight = lots of running! It inspired me to make plans with a running partner to potentially rediscover my love for running. We’ll see!

Ok, it’s time to rest this amazingly active body of mine! Goodnight!

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