Friday, February 19, 2010

telly joy. an unusual suspect?

What experiences bring you feelings of joy? Today has been fun - I’ve been contemplating the concept of ‘having joyful moments as often as possible'. One of my biggest sources of joy today was the tv – a bit of an unusual suspect.

I loved starting my day with Ellen. She’s all about having a good time. The show is uplifting, fun, silly, and I find myself smiling and laughing throughout the hour. It sets a feel-good tone for my day and gives me the opportunity to chill out, enjoy my green drink, and cook up a nice breakfast (this morning it was a red quinoa pilaf – mmm!).

After running a few errands (including picking up some grains at bulk barn - where millet is only $0.29/100g, btw), I came home and started watching the show Modern Family. If you haven’t seen it, check it out! Fantastic writing, hilarious characters, fascinating relationships. I found myself laughing out loud a ton! It's definitely the most entertaining show I’ve seen in a while. Each episode is 22 minutes of pure amusement (I ended up watching 4 episodes in a row!). Phil is definitely my favourite.. with the combo of Mitchell and Cameron not too far behind!

So today I watched a little more tv today than I normally do, but I was totally ok with it – because I was inspired to keep it on. It’s nice to find shows that encourage joy and laughter. The tv can play and exciting role in our lives – and can even provide a sense of connection. Having the opportunity to watch the Olympics and other international events is another bonus that many people are appreciating right now.

If it inspires you and if you’re loving the moment, then I say keep up the great (feeling) work!

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