Wednesday, February 24, 2010

it's a feeling journey

The most profound discovery I’ve made over the past year is that we are the creators of our own reality. Our inner experiences (thoughts, emotions, feelings) really do affect our experience in the outer world. Cool.

Most people have heard this, many people believe it, and some even know it. I have come to believe it, know it, and NOW is the time to live it. As human beings, we tend to be action-oriented – believing we need to work really hard and often struggle to make things work. But when you are a 'deliberate creator' (when you consciously choose how you feel in every moment), you come to know that life is a lot more fun than that...

Over the past day and a half my computer had a virus... and I now recognize it as a gift (my techy brother may think otherwise..). The circumstances made me step back from so much 'doing' and it reminded me of the importance of my focus on my feeling journey.

The Law of Attraction says, 'that which is like unto itself is drawn' – a Universal Law. And we offer our vibration to the Universe with our feelings in every moment of every day.

How you FEEL is an indicator of the vibration you’re offering, and the vibration you’re offering is what the Law of Attraction is responding to. Sooo, that means: how you're feeling, and what is manifesting into your experience is ALWAYS a vibrational match. Whoa.

So the 'secret' is to find and practice the feeling place of what you'd like to see in your life (well-being, financial security, abundance, love, joy, success, etc.).

You can start by thinking - what does the alignment with what I want FEEL like? And then practice that feeling as often as you'd like.

Almost everything we want in life is for the reason that we think we will feel better in the having of it. So I choose to feel grateful, feel love, feel joy... feel good! And I know that the more I practice feeling good, the more I get to feel good about!

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