Monday, February 22, 2010

new meal and snack ideas, checking on CVs, and YCK

Lots of new Body Ecology friendly creations and foods to introduce! I've added some pictures of the meals and snacks described below.

Snack ideas:
- half of a small avocado, cultured veggies and almond mayo. mix. enjoy.
- unsweetened almond milk, cocoa, stevia, ice (optional).
- kefir, cocoa powder and carob powder (usually sweet enough from carob).
- green tea (with BE tea extract - adds antioxidants and polyphenols to your diet!).

Some new meals I've enjoyed in the past few days (note- even if cultured veggies aren't in the pics, I either ate some beforehand or added them to the meal):
- millet with broccoli, kale, onion.
- millet, red cabbage, spinach, onion.
- buckwheat with spinach, onion, red and orange peppers.
- tuna, spinach, celery, red pepper, cultured veggies.

More ingredients listed with the pics.

I checked on my cultured veggies yesterday. They were on day 3 and coming along beautifully. The ones with red cabbage were a dark pinky-purple. They'll become a little brighter pink over the next few days (I usually leave them for a week). I noticed that the veggies and juices were creeping up to the lid. There wasn't a lot of space left for the veggies to keep on expanding, so I took out a few tablespoons from each of the big jars, and put them in smaller jars.

My young coconut kefir (YCK) and pudding were ready yesterday! Now they're in the fridge and ready to drink and eat - any time of day. I often have a few sips in the morning, or with meals to help digestion.


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