Wednesday, February 17, 2010

getting my sweat on..

I did an amazing 60 minute Moksha yoga class this afternoon. I found this studio by exploring different yoga classes around Ottawa with the Passport to Prana (where you get to do up to 16 yoga classes for $20!). After my awesomely sweaty experience there, I ended up purchasing their one month unlimited pass. It’s a beautiful studio – one big hot room, gorgeous cork floor, green electricity, an amazing workout, filtered water, all around a good feel and bonus that they’re an environmentally conscious business!

Throughout the class this afternoon I felt strong and appreciated my body for working through all of the poses. I love being reminded to connect to my breath. My body moved well and I loved seeing it bend and stretch in amazing ways (the heat definitely helps with that!). I remember looking down at my shin and noticed that it was covered in sprinkles of sweat – wow! I love that my body knows how to adjust to the environment and detox - without any sort of conscious direction from me. Cool.

A great experience – and the best part is – the good feelings last! I feel energized and peaceful - my mind is more clear and my body feels amazing.

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