Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'll take 'Self-Love' for $1000, Alex...

Starting something new is exciting! I love the process of creating. It provides an opportunity to make deliberate choices, every step of the way. I've decided that I’m going to enjoy every moment of this experience.

As of tomorrow, I’ll start to share my thoughts, ideas, and experiences - organized into different categories or segments - making it easy for all of you to connect with whatever topics spark your interest. Here are the main subjects that will come up:

The Body Ecology Diet (BED): a system of healthy eating that heals our bodies from the inside out. I’ll be sharing my favourite (delicious) recipes as I create them each day (including pictures), tips and tricks that make healthy eating fun, benefits of going low-sugar or sugar-free, new discoveries in the produce section, talks about ancient grain-like seeds and fermented foods (probiotics!), and all of the reasons I’ve found BED to be the healthiest, most inspiring diet on the planet!

The Universe and our experience: planet earth, the now moment, quantum physics, energy and vibration, reality (and how we contribute to it), our words, thoughts and feelings, the stars, time and space (is it an illusion?), expansion, and being in the mystery of it all. Oooh.. this will be fun!

Gratitude: thankfulness, appreciation – no matter what you call it, it’s one of my favourite topics. I’ll be sharing the benefits of grateful thoughts, my connection with Unleash Gratitude, fun and easy gratitude exercises, notes of appreciation that I create along the way, gratitude-inspiring videos, and how gratitude supported me through my experience with cancer.

Feeling Inspired: I’ll be sharing inspiring experiences and sources of inspiration - connecting with inspiring people, words of wisdom, music, youtube videos, movies, life-altering experiences, websites, news, articles, books, companies, etc. I love deliberately choosing to feel inspired. It will be fun to pull it all together!

Physical Activity: I love moving my body! I’ll be writing about yoga classes (and yoga at home), floor hockey, rebounding (using a mini trampoline), walking, hoola-hooping, stretching, surfing, water sports, and other fun activities that really move me!

Self-love: a new passion that I’ve really started exploring. There is definitely over-lap with most of the other categories, but this section will provide me with an opportunity to share the fun ways that I take time to deliberately love and pamper myself. I'll also be talking about how incredible the human body is - healing, digesting, breathing, moving, thinking, growing, etc.

Abundance: this is a newer topic for me – and one that I get really excited about and look forward to including in my thoughts more often. I plan to find and write about new ways that I’m encouraging and bringing more abundance into my life. Money, love, well-being, parking places.. I love finding new ways to encourage it all to flow to me, at just the perfect time.

Misc: anything else I’d like to share.

I love benefiting from talking about what IS working in my life – how I’m having fun and enjoying my journey, keeping the positive vibe flowing, making the deliberate choice to feel as best I can in every moment, and talking about what I am looking forward to.. and that’s what I’m excited to do here. And I intend for this space to inspire good-feeling thoughts in others along the way!

How you feel is ALWAYS your choice... I love choosing to feel as good as I can from wherever I'm at!

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