Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Making Cultured Veggies

If you're looking for an economic way to create some of the most healing foods on the planet... you've come to the right place! Here's a quick over-view on how to make your own PRO-BIOTIC rich cultured vegetables.

Choose your vegetables to be cultured (2 different recipes below). Decide on various combos, if desired. Set the stage for healing and success - feel free to play inspiring music, ensuring that you are feeling good as you create.

Remember to put aside some of the outer layers of cabbage for later use.

If you are using the Body Ecology ‘Culture Starter’, mix this starter with approximately 1 cup of filtered water (room temperature) and a tsp of honey (to wake up the cultures). Let this combo sit for at least 30 minutes as you prep all of the veggies.

Shred all veggies in a food processor, and place in large bowls (in the combos desired).

Remove 2-3 cups of the shredded veggies and put into a blender (or food processor). Add enough filtered water to make a ‘brine’ with the consistency of a thick juice. Blend well and then combine with the first mixture containing the starter. Mix together with a wooden spoon.

Pour this mixture evenly on all of the shredded veggies. Mix in well.
Transfer the veggies into clean glass jars or stainless steel containers (glass mason jars work well). Use your hands and/or a wooden spoon to pack in the veggies tightly. Fill container almost full, but leave about 2 inches of room at the top for veggies to expand.

Roll up cabbage leaves into a tight "log" and place them on top to fill the remaining 2 inch space.

Once the veggies are in jars, you can put little love notes or intentions on the outside of them. Placing loving and healing words on the outside of the jar (along with the feelings that come from you) can have an amazing effect on these foods.

Place all of the jars into a warm, dark place (in a cooler, cupboard, etc). Ensure the veggies remain in approximately 21-22 degree Celsius (70-72F) room temperature (or even a little higher) for at least three days. A week may even be better, depending on the consistency you prefer.

Once they are to your desired taste and consistency, refrigerate to slow down fermentation. Once opened, they should be used up in the next few weeks. If kept closed, they may last several months.


Some Body Ecology Recipes:

Version 1
• 3 heads green cabbage, shredded in a food processor
• 1 bunch kale, chopped by hand(optional): 2 cups wakame ocean vegetables (measured after soaking), drained, spine removed, and chopped
• 1 Tbsp. dill seed

Version 2
• 3 heads green cabbage, shredded in a food processor
• 6 carrots, large, shredded in a food processor
• 3 inch piece ginger, peeled and chopped
• 6 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped