Wednesday, March 24, 2010

down and back up! Day 2.

After a bit of a slip up last night, I’m feeling amazing and back on track today! This morning I went off on some rampages of appreciaion, watched some inspiring clips from 'What the Bleep', and laughed at Ellen and her 'Spa' scenes. My head feels clear, I’m inspired to continue, and my body feels clean and less ‘swollen’, especially in my abdomen. How exciting!

This morning was all about the green drinks. I started off with Body Ecology’s Vitality Supergreen and an hour later made green smoothie (green apple, spinach, celery, zucchini). I LOVE how delightfully refreshing and tasty this one is! Delish.

This afternoon I whipped together a mix of greens, cultured veggies, red onion, and cucumber, and even added a bit of red grapefruit to spice things up a bit!

Last night, I ended up investing in the Divas cravings and emotional eating support package. I want to support myself as best I can! I want to this to be an easy, fun experience! I plan to love myself all of the way through it... I’ve skimmed through some of the materials and they’re all incredibly supportive and inspiring. I’ll be sure to share the tips and tricks that I find the most helpful.

I’m about to tune into my ipod as I go for a stroll in the sun! And tonight is going to be awesome – floor hockey game, Body Ecology’s FREE Detox training (How to Naturally Cleanse and Detoxify Your Liver & Gallbladder This Spring:, and my new favourite show, Modern Family!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

day 1 cont'd: Raw Detox

As 6 o’clock rolled around, I was ready for an inspiring distraction. On almost 22 hours of fasting, I actually felt really good! Some hunger signals here and there (which were actually wonderful to experience!) and on the whole, I was very comfortable and enjoying my water.

I decided to watch the documentary Food Inc, and although the overall tone was a bit grim, I loved the take home messages at the end! Here are a few of my faves:

- You vote with every meal you make. Demand good, wholesome food and that’s what will be delivered. You can vote to change this system, 3 times a day...
- Buy from companies that treat workers, animals, and the environment with respect.
- When you go to the supermarket, choose foods that are in season, buy foods that are organic. Know what’s in your food. Read labels. Buy foods that are grown locally. Shop at farmer’s markets. Plant a garden (even a small one).
- You can change the world with every bite.

Definitely an eye-opening documentary and worth checking out!

By 8:30pm I was ready for my first meal, post-fast. The Raw Diva Detox suggests a mono-fruit meal. So I combined that idea with what I know from following the Body Ecology Diet and I chose a low-sugar fruit: blackberries! Yummy!

After eating a bowlful, I decided I wanted something else.. I asked myself how closely I wanted to follow the guidelines.. and opted for more nourishment. I wanted something to mix with cultured veggies. I ended up cutting up a cucumber and mixed them together.

I still wanted more. And I recognized that this was more in my head than my gut.. and I ended up eating veggies on 2 romaine leafs. I questioned in my head, ‘am I eating too much?’.. I didn’t want to blow my first day.. and then realized I was being WAY too hard on myself! I just ate some of the healthiest meals EVER! There’s no perfect way to do anything! I’m choosing to do this detox my way. And the point of the detox is to inspire me! This is an experience. I'm staying awake for it.

I’m going to allow anything to show up. For me, this is all about learning, feeling good, trying something new, listening to my body, and figuring out what works for ME.

I love knowing what to do (even when I'm not doing it)!

I’m SO excited that I’m on this journey! And no matter what happens, I’ll learn from the experience and be able to figure out what I really do want in my life. This experience has already clarified a lot for me. I love giving my body a ‘break’ from food. I know green drinks are going to be key to my success. I love that I’m taking good care of my body!


final prep and day 1: Raw Diva Detox!

So far so good!

I initially started my fast as of 6pm last night. I celebrated with a Beatles dance party in my kitchen, handstands, yoga moves, rebounding, and stowed away my pots, pans, and crockpot. I spent time cleaning and honouring my incredible Santevia water filter, knowing its product would be my ‘meals’ for the next 24 hours.

I had a date with my parents and brought them a delicious smoothie (spinach, zucchini, celery, strawberries, blackberries, frozen cranberries, stevia, and water).

I ended up enjoying the treat with them, so I restarted my fast just after 8:30pm. No problem, my body feels to be in a different time zone these days. I usually go to bed and wake up about 3 hours later than the average.. so this was perfect.

I hopped into bed at 11:30pm - early for me, and soaked in all of my excitement for the week ahead. My good-feeling thoughts kept rolling in (for about 4 hours!) and I just basked in it all. I loved every moment. Allowing everything to show up.. and completely at peace, knowing I would sleep until my body was ready for the next day.

I woke up at 10:30am, dozed off again, and before I knew it, it was 11:45am. Wow! That’s a record! What an incredible sleep!

This is the second fast I’ve done (I remember doing a 30 hour famine in high school), and I find it a completely fascinating experience! I love observing all of my thoughts around food. How many times I think about ‘what can I eat next’ and how often I reach for the fridge door. I put a bit of masking tape on door, to remind myself of the fast!

Stay tuned for another update later today!


Monday, March 22, 2010

welcoming raw.

For the past week and half, I’ve been tuning into some incredible online calls with WISH – Women’s International Summit for Health. It truly was a buffet of self-empowerment: health, fitness, money, spirit,… they covered it all with amazing speakers!

One of the most inspiring calls for me was with Mimi Kirk, A 71 year old raw foodie (who doesn’t look a day over 50!), voted sexiest vegetarian over 50 in the US! I loved hearing her success story, her joy for life, seeing her young, fun-loving pictures, and just feeling her brilliant energy! What an inspiring story.. and it all started for her at the age of 30 (perfect!).

I love being open to change and exploring new ideas.. and tweaking my diet is always exciting to me. I feel like my body is still finding a true comfort zone when it comes to eating. I want a genuinely healthy relationship with my food. I want to feel excited EVERY DAY, knowing that I continue to nourish my body - as best as I know how!.. and with a background in Physical and Health Education and Holistic Nutrition, I’ve got a LOT of material to work with!...

Earlier this month, I blogged about my interest in learning more about raw food.. and my WISH came true with the call from Mimi!

Before the call, I read that she started on her raw adventure with a '7-day Raw Diva Detox'. I checked it out online and it was created by the fabulous Tera Warner, who is the same woman who created and pulled together WISH! I read more and discovered that the 7 day detox is EXACLY what I’m looking for! I love the vibe, the philosophy, the success stories, the support, the flexibility, the love. Amazing. And even found out the Divas are in Montreal.. only 2 hours from me!

The detox starts you off with 5 preparation days. At first, I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t start the detox right away. I’ve always been about immediate gratification.. And that’s exactly why the prep days have been so valuable!! Over the past 4 days I’ve been wrapping my head around the detox, the foods I’ll be eating, exploring the raw food world online and in my city, recipes, time to get excited about the week ahead, clean out my fridge and cupboards, etc.. the timing has been perfect.

I feel like this is the start to an incredible shift in my life! I have been a foodie for quite a while.. and this program has success written all over it for me! I am excited and feel so READY to pull everything together, creating my own perfect program (infused with love!.. and cultured veggies!). I am going to enjoy every step of the way.

I’ll be blogging about my experience throughout the week. Day 1 starts on Tuesday. It will be an incredible way for me to share my beautiful journey, stay accountable, and connect and inspire others!!

Please feel free to contact me if you’re interested in following the detox along with me.. or you can always refer back to my blog for any tips, tricks, and inspiration that I share along the way!

Stay tuned.. this is going to be incredible!


Monday, March 15, 2010

new batch of cultured veggies

It was time for me to start another beautiful and delicious batch of cultured veggies (I usually start when I have 1 big jar remaining). I prepared cabbage (2 greens and a red), kale, and carrots to get cozied up in their jars for a week.

When I'm making my cvs, I love creating a good-feeling atmostphere. I had my favourite tunes blasting in the background as I danced around my kitchen, shredded veggies, filled my green bin with scraps, reflected on my amazing connection with Unleash Gratitude, and played 'wouldn't it be nice if..' in my head.

After listening to Donna Gates' call with WISH (Women's International Summit for Health) a couple nights ago, I felt even more invigorated and inspired by the Body Ecology Diet. An incredible leader in probiotics and fernmented foods. It truly is SUCH an amazing system of healing that will change the world... one gut at a time!

For more pics, see my facebook page:!/album.php?aid=191568&id=307278863973


what are YOU doing with your life?

I quit my government job in January to create my own inspiring work. Since then, 'what are you doing with your life??' is one of the most common questions I’m asked. Most of the time, I respond, "I am LOVING life!"

The question often comes from a place of interest and excitement – and I love that! It feels good to me.

A few people have asked from a place of worry and fear (wanting to know exactly WHEN everything is going to 'be in place'). That’s ok too. I allow others to feel as they choose. I understand that some people feel uncomfortable when it comes to uncertainty.

My focus is on my excitement for this opportunity to truly love life and LIVE LIFE. I just KNOW that everything is already perfect (because I'm in such a good feeling place)!

I am happy! I keep learning to love myself more, I love knowing that contrast provides clarity, I have fallen in love with my life, I love knowing what to do (even when I’m not doing it), I love choosing what’s best for me, I’m excited about all of the new opportunities and connections that keep coming my way.. life has never felt better to me! I know that I have SO much to look forward to on this exciting life journey!

Right now I don’t have the specifics on the who? what? when? where? and how?..

But I DO know how it will all FEEL!.. and the more I practice these incredible feelings, the more I attract incredible experiences into my life!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

inspiring cafe gratitude

This is my life experience right now.

"I am having the experience that I am in the midst of a LIFESTYLE change... I can see that something has shifted, like a marriage between how I care for myself now and always. I used to experience a real BEGINNING to the week and a real ENDING to the week and now it seems to be all ONE LIFE, all MY LIFE.

It reminds me of when I realized that WORK and PLAY didn't need to be separated, that my work could be my play and my play could be my work. A bit like time alone and time with others. LESS SEPARATION is what I am present to, a THINNING OF THE VEIL in all areas of my life."

- Terces, Cafe Gratitude


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

inspiring hydration

Water is fascinating. It's a by-product of star formation. It is our bodies. It's an essential element of life. It is central to respiration and photosynthesis. It is rivers, lakes and oceans. It cleanses our bodies on the inside and out. It's the snow in which we play and gives life to everything on this planet. It is beautiful, mysterious, and playful.

I’m appreciating all of my experiences with water today.

I just programmed my iphone calendar to send me a few remiders to stay hydrated throughout each day. Fun.

For more inspiring words on appreciating water and going green, check out Jason Mraz’s amusing post: The Prize of Oscar Night.!/notes/jason-mraz/the-prize-of-oscar-night/345894061052

Drink up!


Friday, March 5, 2010

raw raw, ah ah ah-a.

I'm curious about the raw food movement. I like the concept of keeping it real when it comes to food. Raw means the food is more alive and has more life force energy - truly more connected with its roots. Cool. I also believe there are amazing energy advantages to cooking. While cooking may destroy some nutrients, energy gains can be positive when it comes to some foods. I love finding ‘the perfect temperature’ for each of my creations. I love finding a balance that feels right to me.

I'm excited to hear more about the benefits of eating raw foods. I know some inspiring people that see "rawness as a culinary technique and a meditation on nature, rawness as an interpretation, a legacy of something lost that needs to be regained, resuscitated and purified." Interesting. I'm curious and would love to learn more!

more pics on facebook:!/photo.php?pid=4902776&id=307278863973

For now - during the cooler months, I am loving foods that make me feel warm. To me, the FEELING I get from my experience with food is most important. It always has been. This morning I cozied up to a warm bowl of miso soup while enjoying the crunch of sliced lebanese cucumbers. This afternoon I savoured my delicious amaranth creation and appreciated the refreshing taste of my cultured veggies. mmm. yummy. It feels good to remember and take the time to experience delicious, health-inspiring food.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

appreciating the beauty of my creations

wow. food is inspiring love.!/photo.php?pid=4897075&id=307278863973


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

one year cancer-free. that's really free.

here's the message i sent out one year ago today, before my big surgery. it's amazing to re-live those feelings. i was in such a good place.. and I just kept feeling better. the healing blog captures my beautiful and inspiring experience of becoming cancer-free. it marked the beginning of an amazing healing experience and joy-filled journey. the messages of love were so touching - and they still are.

i love that i'm continuing on such an exciting life journey.. enjoying every feeling in every moment!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 12:28 AM
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to send out a quick note as I head to bed before my big day. Please feel free to forward this to anyone not on the list - and let me know who's missing.

First of all, Mark set up a website and will be providing updates on it - as they receive them (probably won't be much to report til tomorrow evening). You can check here for any info you may need - or email Mark. If there are questions you have, you can ask him, and he can even post them on the website for everyone else. Here it is:

I wanted to thank everyone for all of your warm, positive messages that have been sent. Though this is a challenge I didn't expect, I'm so grateful to be going through it. So many positive things are coming from this experience.. and I know it's only the beginning. I'm learning to really accept and truly appreciate all of the love that's coming my way. I ask you to keep on sending your positive vibes and ask that you not only hope and pray that everything will go well, but I ask you to turn your energy into believing that everything is going welll.. visualize me healing... visualize me as completely healed! I will be doing the same.

I should get to bed - I have a big day tomorrow! I'm feeling confident, supported, and loved - thanks to all of you!

Keep the love coming!

Lots of love,


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

inspiring art

i love sharing my creations and it's fun to become a photographer. the more pictures i take and appreciate, the more excited i get about creating inspiring meals - knowing they create inspiring pictures. love inspiring love inspiring love... nourishing my body keeps getting more satisfying. i'm excited to create art out of my inspiring meals!

See new pics on facebook:


green clean.

inspiring cleaning products: water and white vinegar (approx 4:1) lemon essentiail oil (a few drops - smells amazing), a recycled spray bottle, and baking soda. does the trick. simple. green.. and any used paper towels go in the green bin!


inspiring perspiring

i did an awesome moksha yoga flow class this afternoon and cleverly scheduled an amazing massage appointment, right after it. aaahh.. acts of self-love that feel sooo good! hot yoga feels like such a good clean-up – from the inside, out.

when i got home, i emptied my gym bag and my lulu shorts, tank, and sports bra were all still completely soaked! It reminded me – wow!! that really was SUCH a great workout and detox.. and it started me on a gratitude rant - how i moved my body so well, I felt really flexible and balanced, how awesome the studio is, how nice it was to see so many people that care about their bodies, and I really appreciated the instructor's attention and challenges she offered. it all made me smile. yoga inspires love. And it feels so good to love myself!