Saturday, June 5, 2010

feeling elated!

I have a really good feeling I just found my new career path! At the very least, things are becoming more clear and I'm starting to really 'see' how I can connect and contribute in the community.

I came across an inspiring email (a couple days ago) from a yoga studio I visited with my Passport to Prana. I don’t normally read the Newsletters, but for some reason, I was excited about this one and opened it up.

I went on to read that 2 inspiring women have just joined their incredible services. Core-Elation yoga studio and Movement to Health, health and fitness centre have become one. June 1, 2010, marked the birth of Elation Centre – an integrative lifestyle centre. Perfect! And no wonder I hadn't found it until now...


They're about yoga, running, and nutrition. Their approach is holistic. They believe in the power of community for personal growth. And their programs make space for everyone to find their individual fit in life. I love it!

They educate, enrich, and empower lives from the inside, out. They take an integrative approach to health, identifying that it is physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

The merge has been called a collaboration at its finest and a partnership fuelled by passion! What could be more perfect?

And whether my collaboration is with them, or with some other inspiring being, I KNOW it will be exciting!

Thank you Elation ladies for exuding inspiration! I am so grateful to see local women serving my very own community in big ways! Thanks for guiding me along my journey!

1 comment:

  1. First we dream it, then as we become it, we begin to LIVE it. Oh how this amazing Universe is all ready to delight you in all the ways you dream and in all the ways you never thought to dream!!!

